What a cool site

I stumbled upon this site and wow what a great bunch of articles in a wide variety of scientific subjects. For those that want to keep up with what’s happening in scientific New Zealand this is a definite recommended site. It has an impressive team of bloggers maintaining a blog on a wide variety of subjects.

Sciblogs claims to bring(New Zealand) on one website, creating a hub for scientific analysis and discussion and facilitating reader interaction.

The website is for scientists who want to reach out to a general audience to explain their science and how it relates to society. Some Sciblog contributors spend most of their time in the lab or buried in research. Others are authors or entrepreneurs. All of them know what they are talking about and have an interest in engaging in discussion on the big science-related issues facing society.

You can easily keep an eye on new Sciblogs posts by subscribing via RSS or email or by following our Twitter feed.  Alternatively, there is a Facebook page as well as a Facebook group.

Sciblogs is edited and managed by Peter Griffin, manager of the Science Media Centre and former Technology Editor of the New Zealand Herald.

Sciblogs is an initiative of the Science Media Centre, an independent source of expert comment and information for journalists covering science and technology in New Zealand.

Its aim is to promote accurate, bias-free reporting on science and technology by helping the media work more closely with the scientific community.

The Science Media Centre was set up in June 2008 by the Royal Society of New Zealand with funding from the Ministry of Research, Science and Technology.

Go check it out at

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