Fatherheart Seminar

When: Saturday 18 Feb  – 10am to 6pm
Where: Harmony Church, Oaklands School, Halswell
Cost: Single $25/Couple $40 door charge Sponsorship available (Includes morning & afternoon tea)
More info: www.harmony.org.nz
Vicki Trustrum has extensive theological training and experience in the areas of Worship, the Prophetic and Journeying wih the Father.
She was on the pastoral team at Spreydon Baptist for 10 years before moving to Hawaii to be on staff at the University of the Nations (YWAM).
She then moved to Germany where she has been living and ministering the last 14 years.
She has worked with James & Denise Jordon of the Fatherheart movement worldwide (based in Taupo)
and has been ministering in the Fatherheart movement since 2005.


Photo Journal: Before or After

The other day we went to Akaroa for a good day out with the family. As always I had a cameras with me and in recent times I have started to try and capture the different members of the family. I find photographing people difficult for some reason, and my boys are not all that much into the posing. So I try to sneak up on them or using a the zoom, do it when they are not aware of me taking pictures. At some point I called to my youngest son “look look” and “gotcha.” This was the result:

Now while nice, with the beach dirt making for playful spots and discoloring, it was the post chocolate-ice cream that really brought a smile on my face.

Now there is a boy being a boy.

It got me to think about portraits and what has my preference. The nice shot like you get from school or the shot that shows the person as he or she really is. I think I prefer the latter. Maybe that is why I like street photography so much?

What are your thoughts?