BGEA: Be Filled With the Holy Spirit

By F.B. Meyer

We cannot expect to have the Holy Spirit’s fullness in our lives if we are quite content to live without it. Our Father is not likely to entrust this priceless gift to those who are indifferent to its possession. We must, therefore, stir up the gift that is within us by a quiet consideration of all that is meant by becoming Spirit-filled.No book will move us in this direction more than the Acts of the Apostles. Cowards became brave. Those who had stumbled at the simplest truths suddenly awoke to understand the Master’s plan. Many whose hearts had heaved with rivalry, suspicion and desire for earthly power now sought to excel in humble ministry to the saints. Christ’s murderers became His worshipers and friends. Councils of clever men were not able to withstand the simple eloquence of indisputable facts. Countries were shaken and yielded thousands of converts to the unlearned but passionate preachers of the cross.As we contrast their triumphant success to our halting progress, shall not we be filled with uncontrollable longing that God should work similar results through us? Rivers of water should flow from us. We should never need to be anxious about our words, because they will be given to us. We will be taught all things and led into the whole circle of truth. We will know Christ and be changed into His image.

Check Your Motives

If we seek the Holy Spirit merely for our own happiness or comfort or liberty of soul, it will be very unlikely that He will be given. His one passion is the glory of the Lord Jesus, and He can only abide with those who are willing to be at one with Him in this. “Can two walk together except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3, KJV).

But if you are motivated simply by the desire that the Lord Jesus may be magnified in you, whether by life or death; if you long above all that men should turn away from you to Him, then rejoice, because you are near blessing beyond words. If your motives fall below this standard, trust Him to enlighten and purify them. Offer Him free entrance to your heart. It will not then be long before there will be a gracious response.

Consider the Scriptures

We must not be content to have the Spirit without the Word or the Word without the Spirit. Our lives must travel along these two, as the locomotive travels along parallel rails. It is only by our devout contact with the Bible that we shall be able to detect the Holy Spirit’s voice. It is by the Word that the Spirit will enter our hearts, as the heat of the sun passes into our homes when its beams of light enter the open windows.

We need a widespread revival of Bible study. These mines of Scripture, lying beneath the surface, call loudly for investigation and discovery. Those who shall obey the appeal shall be soon aware that they have received the filling that they seek. There is no better way of communing with God than to walk to and fro in your room or in the open air with your Bible in hand, meditating on it and turning its precepts and promises into prayer.

Yield to Him

The Holy Ghost is in us, and by this means Christ is in us, for He dwells in us by the Spirit, as the sun dwells in the world through its rays of light. But we must perpetually yield to Him, as water yields to the vessel that holds it. This is not easy. It can only be accomplished by incessant self-examination and putting to death our self-life [that is, making self, rather than Christ, the focus of our life].

We have chosen Jesus as our substitute, but have we also chosen Him by the Holy Spirit as our life? Can we say, like the Apostle: “Not I, but Christ liveth in me” (Galatians 2:20, KJV)? If so, we must be prepared for all that it involves. We must be willing for the principle of the new life to grow at the expense of the self-life.

We must allow the One to increase, while the other decreases. We must be ever on the alert, hastening the processes of judgment, condemnation and crucifixion of our fleshly desires. We must keep true in our allegiance to the least request of the Holy Spirit, though it cost us tears of blood. There is nothing trivial in this life. A look, a word, a refusal, may be enough to grieve Him in ourselves and to quench Him in others.

Do not shrink back afraid of what He may demand. He is the Spirit of love, and He loves us too well to cause grief unless there is a reason. And we would approve, if we knew as much as He does.

Receive Him by Faith

“As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him” (Colossians 2:6, KJV). Just as you once obtained forgiveness and salvation by faith, so now claim and receive the Holy Spirit’s fullness. Wait quietly but definitely before God in prayer, for He gives His Holy Spirit to them that ask Him. Then reverently appropriate this glorious gift, rise from your knees and go on your way, believing that God has kept His word.

There may not be the sound of rushing wind or the tangible feeling of His presence. Do not look for these any more than the young convert should look to his feeling as an evidence of God’s acceptance. But believe—in spite of how you feel—that you are filled. The feeling will sooner or later break in upon your consciousness, and you will rejoice with exceeding great joy; and all the fruits of the Spirit will begin to show themselves in your life.

Author and pastor F.B. Meyer was born in London in 1847. He was a contemporary and friend of D.L. Moody, and was known as a crusader against immorality who preached against drunkenness and prostitution. He is said to have brought about the closing of hundreds of saloons and brothels.

This article was sourced from BGEA: Be Filled With the Holy Spirit.

Day of Pentecost, First Half Year as a Christian and Quiting the Smoking

Yesterday I celebrated the Day of the Pentecost at Harmony Church which has  really become my home church. Rapidly building a reputation as that young new church “is where it is really happening” I found myself there yesterday committing quietly to stop the smoking and this time no more “bs”. Tomorrow I am celebrating my conversion exactly 6 months ago on 25 November 2009. Looking back it has been an amazing ride which is documented here on this blog. Strange how the importance of Christian celebrations changed in only one half year. Where Christmas used to be the highpoint of the year in terms of celebrations, Easter seems to be the real important date now together with the day of the Pentecost.  And what better way to celebrate these joyful events than with quitting the very thing that I feel is holding me back in my relationship with God and my family: smoking. I tried many times to no success. In fact I’d go so aggressive that my family would beg me almost to pick up the smoking again. But now, with the help of God and the Quitline I am sure it is going to work out.

I found a helpful article on “How to stop smoking the Christian Way which basically outlined the following steps:

  1. Understand why you need to quit: your life and health are precious to your Creator (Psalms 36:9, Acts 14:16–17, John 3:16). You are responsible for treating yourself and others well (2 Corinthians 7:1, Matthew 22:39, Matthew 7:12) and you can’t do that while filling your lungs and those of others with smoke.
  2. Step 2 Set a date, write it down and make sure it remains visible for a week or more before you quit, (Proverbs 21:5, Ephesians 5:15–17). Make sure there are no cigarettes available when that day arrives (1 Corinthians 10:13) and go out of your way to avoid cigarettes and smokers from that day forward (Proverbs 13:20).
  3. Step 3 Realize that you may not succeed in quitting on the first try. If you have a setback, don’t beat yourself up (2 Corinthians 2:7–8, Romans 2:4). Simply accept the fact that you’re not perfect (Mark 14:38), recommit and move forward.
  4. Step 4 When you finally do succeed, you can trust that the joy you feel is mirrored by the joy of your Creator (Matthew 18:12–14). You couldn’t have done it without him, and he’s delighted that you cared enough to fight that battle for him!
  • Never underestimate the power of prayer! During every step in the process, prayer can make the way easier and the goal clearer (Hebrews 4:16, Psalms 55:22).
  • Be prepared for withdrawal symptoms including nausea, irritability, insomnia and a strong craving for cigarettes. Check with your doctor for possible prescriptions to help ease some of these symptoms and help you to make it through this difficult period.

So, last night I prayed, this morning again and picked up the phone and called the Quitline. The first talk went well and a prescription is on the way to the pharmacy and after writing this post it will be about ready to be picked up as opposed to the normal five days to process it: so here we go the first little miracle already happened. Now it is up to me to follow through.

Your support and prayers are welcomed and to support others as well as being supported I will open a new category SMOKE STOP.

To close off Psalm 23, more for me than for the reader probably:

Psalm 23

A psalm of David.

1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.

2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,

3 he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name’s sake.

4 Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.

6 Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD

Christian doctors prescribe ‘spiritual healing’ for sickness

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Christian doctors prescribe ‘spiritual healing’ for sickness

More than 240 of them from 40 countries gather in Rome to discuss ‘Spirituality in Medicine’

By Dan Wooding Reporting from Rome

Special to ASSIST News Service

ROME, ITALY (ANS) — Some 240 Christian doctors from some 40 different countries around the world have prescribed “spiritual healing” as an answer to sickness in the 21st Century. They believe that medicine alone cannot deal with some of today’s worst illnesses.

Dr. Armando Pineda-Velez

The medics gathered in the eternal city of Rome from on May 22-23, 2010, for the 7th Annual World Christian Doctors Network “Spirituality and Medicine” Conference held at the Sheraton Roma Hotel and Conference Center in Rome and they examined actual case studies of miracles presented by various respected doctors.

Honduran-born Dr. Armando Pineda-Velez, US Director of WCDN, a nuclear medicine physician, told me that there are a lot of doctors today who “not only believe in God but believe that God is healing today.”

He said, “They are putting their prestige on the line for something that they know; that the truth that the Gospel of power can be manifested in the 21st Century.

“This is a different kind of organization,” he continued. “There are a lot of Christian medical organizations, all of which are very well respected and I love them, but we at the World Christian Doctors Network are different in the sense that we are going into the miracle part of the healing. We are not going to stop being doctors, but we are going to use a superior tool – the healing power of God — in order to be helping our beloved patients.”

Dr. Pineda-Velez said that he encouraged Christian doctors to lay hands on their sick patients and pray for their supernatural healing. “I think that the power of healing and faith has to be used by doctors,” he said. “Anyway, we are not the one who heals – it is Jesus!”

I then asked him what happens when people are not healed.

“You know,” said Dr. Pineda-Velez, “healing resides only in the sovereignty of a merciful and gracious God. It’s not only up to us in this equation. There are two involved here — God and you. Does He decide to heal you? I don’t know. Does He have a purpose for your disease? Maybe; maybe not! Do you have enough faith? I don’t know. Yes the measure of faith you have is important but we also have the sovereignty of God. He still rules your life.”

The doctors, who for these two days forsook the formality of being medics and became “ordinary Christians” and joined whole-heartedly in the worship sessions, raising their hands in the air in praise and some even dancing along to the music. One doctor told me, “This has been like a refreshing rain for me.

Read the rest of the article at Christian doctors prescribe ‘spiritual healing’ for sickness.

GoogleTV Invigorates the IPTV Market and Genos’ CEO, Rob Shambro, Dissects the AlternativeTV Space – GENOSTV

Read the complete article here

GoogleTV Invigorates the IPTV Market and Genos’ CEO, Rob Shambro, Dissects the AlternativeTV Space – GENOSTV.