Iconic Photographer Steve McCurry Talks Blogging and WordPress

A very nice interview with some amazing photographs.

Iconic Photographer Steve McCurry Talks Blogging and WordPress.

Steve McCurry, a professional photographer and author of several photography books, shares his reasons for why he blogs on WordPress.com. His iconic photo, Afghan Girl, graced the cover of National Geographic and was named one of the 100 Best Pictures of the magazine. McCurry has been recognized with some of the most prestigious awards in the industry, including the Robert Capa Gold Medal, National Press Photographers Award, and an unprecedented four first prize awards from the World Press Photo contest, to name a few. Read the rest here >>>>

Thanks you Worpress.com for a quick service

A little note to say thank you to WordPress.com tos team for their quick and accurate service after an automated anti-spam control had flagged my blog as potentially in breach with the terms of service and/or advertisement policy. Thanks again Anthony also for the additional advice.

So I’ll say it again: WORDPRESS ROCKS and the service is great!

Live Jazz online

I’m off to Smalls in New York without leaving my home in New Zealand

What a glorious day today and listening to a cool session at Smalls in New York at night while enjoying the sunshiny day here in Christchurch. 

Smalls was created in 1993 by jazz impresario Mitch Borden, a former nurse and the son of an art-gallery owner. Read the rest and find the link here >>>>

Alzheimers: Google+ and Facebook all good


In the past weeks I have been discovering Google+ and what an amazing bunch of people I have discovered there. Some of the best photographers in the world, more on that in another post. Some great artists, musicians, worship musicians and leaders, well it is amazing and never before have I found a social network, social networking site, that tickles my creative tingles than on Google+, and with all the other services available through Google, I hope this will quickly integrate into my own social portal.

For those who have not received an invite yet, leave a comment with an email address here and I am happy to send you one.

Google+ v Facebook v Twitter

In the past weeks many have written about Google+ and especially compared to Facebook and Twitter. I have to admit, my preference for several reasons goes out to Google+ over Facebook and Twitter taken together, but that is my personal taste. At the same time like many I am inclined to break away from both of them completely but there are still so many friends on there. I guess I’ll wait a little while but everytime I go to either Facebook or Twitter, I find it less appealing. With developers picking up on the Google+ enthusiasm, almost daily there is a new extension for G+ or an app  to make life on Google+ even better.

Some are more fanatical in their comments and opinions and urge everyone to leave Facebook and Twitter if they have not already done so, exchange your flickr account for picasa and more like that. I’ll just wait and see, and while my preference for Google+ far exceeds Facebook currently, I also remember how I have enjoyed Facebook and remember how it was such a breeze after some of the other network sites I used to be a member of. Just because Google+ is great that does not mean that all of a sudden Facebook is useless, although some recent changes are less favorable.

Google+ and Facebook all good

In the Star ( a local rag) of last Wednesday 20 July, the Health section had an article by Jolene Williams,  on the matter of Alzheimer’s and the importance of a national strategy. In the side bar on the page there were some pointers as to how to reduce your chances on Alzheimer’s and among them were the use of your brain by playing games and to be social which involves both real life interaction and participation and use of social networking sites.

So then it became all clear to me: Facebook for the games and Google+ for the meaningful communications, the learning new things and the being inspired.

Then I also realized how I do not play online games (anymore) and that brought me the last question: what would keep me on Facebook if all my friends would be on Google+ as well? ACTUALLY NOTHING. hmm.

And for the sake of your mental well being, you now have a good reason to go out on Facebook or Google+ of one of the many many others. But to limit myself to these two, just ask yourself, am I a puzzler, that likes his/her little games, sudoku, scrabble, word puzzles etc or am I always keen to learn more?


Start G+ Extension: Google+ + Facebook + Twitter

If the Google+Facebook Extension was cutting it for you (me actually), than this the G+ extension for Chrome will probably do the trick for you if and when  you have Facebook and Twitter accounts and you are a Google+ user.
It adds your Twitter and Facebook streams to your Google+ account and also allows you to simply click once to post something to your Google+, Facebook, and Twitter accounts.  Especially for power-users this will prove to be a timesaver

The Start G+ extension can be downloaded Here >>>

If there are any Google+ extensions you can recommend let me know either here or on Google+ or of course any add- on for Mozilla Firefox, handy for Google+ users.