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Seth’s Blog: Willfully ignorant vs. aggressively skeptical

If you want to challenge the conventional wisdom …, please do! It’ll make the final outcome better. But if you choose to do that, it’s essential that you know more about it than everyone else, not less. Certainly not zero. Be skeptical, but be informed (about everything important, not just this issue, of course). Screaming ignorance gets attention, but it distracts us from the work at hand.

…It’s easy to fit in by yelling out, and far more difficult to actually read and consider the facts.

…, the first step is to figure out how to be the best informed person in the room.

Look at the climate change/ global warming debate, the God debate, the debates in Europe about Islamization of societies to name just a few. I guess finding the facts as opposed to the opinions is what makes being informed more and more time consuming. The facts are sometimes not as clear as they seem to be.

Being informed means that you can actually bring a constructive contribution towards the debate; a solution to whatever you are concerned about. To be the best informed in the room is what will make the difference in how convincing you are and how compelling your views will be.
Besides that being the best informed means you will have the answer to the (anticipated) questions BEFORE they are asked. It is easy being a screaming skeptic, it is harder to come up with realistic alternatives that people will accept and give a go. Back to the reading table now.

Get arested as a result of SMS messages

The STAR ( a local news paper) of 14 August reported how texting helped the police in arresting accomplices in a burglary.

Initially the police were alerted about two men breaking  into a shed that formed part of the complex of a local swimming pool. Upon arrival the men ran off yet one of the burglars was arrested nearby the scene. Whilst in custody he started receiving a number of SMS messages asking where he was. The arresting officers sent a reply with a pick up address near the park. Two others showed up by car that were arrested for burglary allegedly because they were providing a getaway car.